My XPPen Sparks
My XPPen Sparks
My XPPen Sparks
August 16
00:00 AM (GMT-4)/(EDT)

September 15
11:59 pm (GMT-4)/(EDT)

Share your story(s) about XPPen in one post on social media, such as an anecdote, your first purchase experience for XPPen product, an engagement with XPPen social media, a funny interaction with another XPPen user, etc. Share and get yourself a chance to win a prize.

If your story is related to X3 products( Artist 2nd Gen series, Deco L/LW, Deco M/MW, Artist Pro 16 ), you can get
Anniversary Limited X3 Elite Stylus (White/pink/green/blue)

For stories about other models or none product related sharing:
Super cool 18th Anniversary Limited T-shirts.
Posting rules
Posting rules
Posting rules
Still Image

@XPPen #myXPPensparks
Picture(s) that relates to XPPen / XPPen product and at least 30 words of description


@XPPen #myXPPensparks

No less than 20s

Post on social media and mention @xppen regional account in your country ( You entry will be identify sooner ) and @xppen official account (Optional, if you dont find your regional XPPen social accounts)

Terms and conditions
1. Maximum 1 entry per person/social media account per post. Use of any robotic, automatic, programmed, or similar entry method or
entering more than the number of times permitted will void all entries and result in disqualification. You may not enter more times
than indicated by using multiple email addresses, social media accounts, identities, or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules.
2. If you dont find your regional XPPen social accounts: Please fill in the Google form for the required information after sharing. No entries without filling out the form will be given consideration:
3. All the prizes' quantity are limited, first come first serve.
4. XPPen reserves the right of final interpretation of this event.
XPPen Global Giveaway
XPPen Global Giveaway
XPPen Global Giveaway
August 22
00:00 AM (GMT-4)/(EDT)

August 30
11:59 pm (GMT-4)/(EDT)

For 8 days in a row, we will announce on our main social media account about which regional accounts are doing the giveaways. You need to follow the corresponding
accounts to enter the giveaways. The prizes may vary from different accounts so keep an eye on the accounts you follow to stay in the loop.
Follow us on Twitter @xppen and Instagram @xppen to stay tuned for the giveaways
Prize Preview
Prize Preview
Prize Preview

Drawing tablets, Fenix Gift Package, Super cool 18th Anniversary Limited T-shirts etc.

The prizes vary from regional accounts, stay tuned for the regional account giveaway descriptions.
Terms and conditions
1. Maximum 1 entry /person /social media account per giveaway. Use of any robotic, automatic, programmed, or similar entry method or entering more
than the number of times permitted will void all entries and result in disqualification. You may not enter more times than indicated by using multiple
social media accounts, identities, or devices in an attempt to circumvent the rules.
2. XPPen reserves the right of final interpretation of this event.